TESL 0100 Unit 4: Lesson Plan 1 - Returning Items to the Store
Lesson Plan 1 - Returning an Item to the Store
Date: October 5th, 2018
Class levels: CLB 5
Class Time: 60 mins
Communicative Language Task Goal
Students will return an item to a store and explain why they were not satisfied with the product.
By the end of the lesson today, learners will have:
- Learned how to politely open and close a conversation when requesting to return an item.
- Learned and used necessary language to explain why they are returning an item to the store, in a series of steps.
- Learned how to use adverbs and adjectives to describe an item they are dissatisfied with
Lesson Procedure
Lesson activities and procedure
Language focus
Language Skills
Purpose of the activity
Describe what learners are doing
Identify what linguistic and communicative ability elements are being addressed (e.g., vocabulary, sociolinguistic knowledge)
What skills are being practiced (e.g., Speaking)
Why they are doing this (e.g., to be able to…)
Are learners working individually, in groups, as a class
How much time it takes
Show students a series of pictures of items that are either damaged, spoiled, or defective and ask them what is wrong with each of them. Go over vocabulary that can be used to describe these items.
Grammatical and Functional Knowledge
Speaking, and vocabulary
To introduce students to the lesson topic.
To assess the students’ knowledge of vocabulary and to introduce any new vocabulary.
Class Activity
15 mins
Have students go into small groups and share something they have returned to the store before and why they returned it.
Grammatical, Textual, and Sociolinguistic Knowledge
Speaking (fluency) and vocabulary
To allow students to practice using new vocabulary and to relate their own experiences to the lesson.
Small Group Activity
10 mins
Brainstorm as a class the different steps for returning an item.
Grammatical, Textual and Functional Knowledge
Speaking, grammar, and vocabulary
To introduce language structures necessary to complete target task.
To check student’s understanding of making requests.
Class Activity
15 mins
Hand out pictures with different items on them. Have students role play in pairs and practice returning the item on the picture they received. Students will take turns being store clerk and customer.
Grammatical, Textual, and Sociolinguistic knowledge; Strategic Competence
Speaking (accuracy), listening, grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary
To use language structures and vocabulary in an authentic setting.
Pair Work
20 mins
Exit Assessment
As students return their pictures, ask them why they are returning them (They can answer with a single sentence).
Reflection and Suggestions for Next Time
Your notes after the lesson
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