TESL 0100: Unit 2: Goal Setting Resources

Goal-setting can be tricky for many people, especially ESL students because quite often they don't know where to start or how to go about it. The resource I chose is just as much about HOW to set goals as it is about actually setting those goals. This collection of resources was developed by a group of LINC instructors based in Edmonton to help students at an intermediate level of English with setting goals that are realistic, observable, and doable. These resources are based around the acronym SMART, (Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-Based) and gives students a template to follow when setting their goals, so that they achievable. 
The first link provides an explanation for SMART goal setting, as well as examples for students to go over as a class. 
The next link contains a follow-up activity for students to go over a series of goals and identify which aspects of SMART they meet. The students are then asked to rewrite a goal so that it meets the requirements for a SMART goal. At the end of the activity, students are then asked to set some goals for themselves.
There are several other goal-setting activity sheets teachers can use included in the site: 


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