TESL 0170 Practicum - Teaching Lesson 4 Reflection

               For today’s lesson, my practicum teacher asked that I have the students complete their third evaluation for the course. The purpose of the evaluation is for them to synthesize what they have learned over the past two weeks. As such, I had the students work with a partner to create a dialogue about giving financial advice; the students were give three scenarios to choose from and had to incorporate a minimum of seven target words or phrases into their scripts. The students then came up to present their dialogue to the class. As each pair presented, the other students assigned them a grade based off of a rubric my practicum teacher provided. Although the evaluation took a large portion of the lesson, I was still able to fit in a game of Kahoot at the beginning of class (to review the previous lesson’s vocabulary), as well as a game of two truths and a lie at the end of class. For this game, I had the students incorporate the vocabulary from chapter 3 into their statements.  

What Worked Well:

               I was able to stay on time with all of the activities, and even able to let the students out a couple of minutes early! I am also happy with how my final activity turned out; the students really seemed to enjoy the two truths and a lie twist to the vocabulary and speaking practice. My practicum instructor had previously mentioned that it’s important to end with a communicative activity, so I am happy that I was able to incorporate that into the end of the lesson.  Once again, the Kahoot game was a huge hit and was a great way to assess how well the students had understood the vocabulary. 

What to Tweak:

               During the presentations, I noticed some of the students chatting through them, and I did not say anything to them, however I wish I had done so. While they weren’t overly disruptive, they were not focusing on filling out their rubric for their peers.

Lesson Plan
Evaluation 3


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