TESL 0170 Practicum - Teaching Lesson 3 Reflection

            For today’s lesson, we went over the first half of Chapter 3: part 3, which focused on lending and borrowing money. I began the class showing a short YouTube clip and then led the students in a class discussion. After having the students go over some discussion questions in small groups, I introduced new vocabulary with a PowerPoint slide and then had them complete a short worksheet. After, I had them listen to an interview where a woman shares about her ideas on loaning money. I found that the class was split on how well they understood the content of this audio recording. However, after several play throughs and a look at the transcript, the students were able to answer the questions that accompanied the audio recording. For the second half of the lesson, I focused on teaching the class about how stress is placed on phrasal verbs. I had the students go over a list of words and identify the stress and then had them practice saying those words aloud. We ran out of time at the end of class, so I was unable to do the last activity with the students.

What Worked Well:

               I was able to successfully incorporate my practicum teacher’s feedback into this lesson. I incorporated a variety of corrective feedback techniques into my lesson when interacting with the students. I was also able to vary the student groupings as well; I incorporated a balance of pair and group work activities, along with independent study.

 I also am happy with how my vocabulary PowerPoint turned out; I tweaked how I prepared it from my first class and included the word category for each term along with an example sentence. When presenting the vocabulary, I was able to better engage the students through eliciting answers and getting them to read aloud the example sentences. The handout I prepared for them that accompanied the PowerPoint also helped to cement their understanding of each word. Lastly, I feel I did a good job explaining stress on phrasal verbs; when I had the students work out stress on their own, they all did a great job.

What to tweak:

               So, there were a few areas that I feel I could improve upon from this lesson. First off, I struggled a bit with time management, and went over time with a couple of the activities. As such, I was unable to do the last activity, which would have had the students making sentences with phrasal verbs. My practicum teacher pointed out that it would have been better to end the lesson with a communicative activity that involved the target vocabulary, rather than one that simply focused on phrasal verbs.

               Another area where I feel that I could improve was the listening portion of the lesson. I ended up letting the students using the transcript only after one listen-through; my practicum teacher suggested that I should give them at least two listen-throughs before I let them use the transcript.

               Lastly, I made a mistake while teaching phrasal verbs with a couple of my prepositions. With that said, I’ll be sure to take my practicum teachers advice and apply it to my future lessons!


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