
Showing posts from November, 2017

TESL 0110: Unit 4 Reflection

TESL 0110 Unit 4 Reflection: Lesson Plan Repairs (source: )   In this week’s unit, we were asked to review three different lesson plans and analyse them for any weaknesses. We were then asked to not only outline these weaknesses, but come up with ways to correct them. I found this particular activity really insightful into my own lesson planning. While I have already put together two lesson plans, I’m still rather green at the process, which is why I found this activity to be helpful. It gave me the opportunity to look at several lesson plans critically and apply my knowledge of what components should be incorporated. There are so many things to keep in mind when creating a lesson plan, so it is a huge help getting the chance to practice analyzing one! Another part of this unit that stood out to me was J. Harmer’s mention of outlining possible problems that might...

TESL 0110: Unit 3 Reflection

TESL 0110 Unit 3 Reflection: Mad Libs and Grammar Instruction    (Source:  Growing up, one of my favourite word games to play was Mad Libs. In case you aren’t familiar with it, Mad Libs gets its players to come up with different words, such as verbs, nouns, or adjectives, which are then put into blank spaces to complete a story. The players do not know the context of the story until after they’ve come up with the words, so it can produce some pretty silly results!  After having recently stumbled upon some old Mad Libs I had done in the past, I thought to myself what a great activity this would make for ELLs! It’s a fun way to get students to practice identifying the different parts of speech, as well as various vocabulary items, such as colours, articles of clothing, etc. It really can be customized to meet the needs of the ELLs. Once the story is completed this game can the...

TESL 0110: Unit 2 Grammar Activity

TESL 0110 Unit 2 Grammar Activity Focus: Present Progressive Verbs Context: This is activity will be used in a LINC Level 3 (CLB 3-4) class of 20 young adults who have recently immigrated to Canada. Presentation Style: Deductive Materials: Worksheets, verb cards (feel free to make your own or use ones provided), whiteboard and markers Time: 20 minutes Instructions: This activity is made up of two parts. Part A involves the students completing a short worksheet. Part B involves the students forming pairs and playing a game of charades. Part A: Start the activity by presenting the grammatical structure to the class. Go over a couple of examples and ask the students for the answers to gauge their understanding. Then, hand out the worksheet. After ten minutes or so, have the students form pairs and review their answers. Then, as a whole class go over the answers. Part B: Split the students into groups of four and give each student 5 verb cards. Tell ...

TESL 0110: Unit 2 Reflection

TESL 0110 Unit 2 Reflection: Texting Abbreviations and Acronyms (Source: ) While I was comparing and contrasting the grammar found in writing and speaking, I made mention of emojis and how they help add context and nuance to writing. This then got me thinking about the language and grammar used on the internet and within text messages. Quite often to speed up communication, people (including myself) make use of abbreviations and acronyms, such as “ppl” and “lol”. Upon seeing these, one might ask whether or not these can be considered “grammatically correct”. Some may argue that there is no place for such crude language forms, while others may insist that they are simply reflective of how English is changing with the times. I think these abbreviations and acronyms do have a place in the English language, but it all depends on the context. This brings me to...

TESL 0110: Unit 1 Reflection

TESL 0110 Unit 1 Reflection: Grammar - How much is enough? The other day I came across something on Facebook that gave me a good laugh. It was a post illustrating the importance of punctuation, specifically the comma.  Take a look:        (Source: ) Aside from the joke, the reason I bring up this topic is that grammar and punctuation play an important role in conveying a message. Like the above picture, it can greatly change the interpretation of a sentence, as this comma illustrates. However, in regard to ESL students, how much is enough? In terms of grammar, I think it depends on each student and to what level of proficiency they wish to achieve. For some students, simply reaching a level of fluency where they can clearly and freely communicate is more than enough. For others, they may wish to perfect thei...

TESL 0110: Unit 1 Grammar Needs Assessment

TESL 0110 Grammar Needs Assessment: Purpose: This autobiography activity is geared at measuring each student’s grammar needs upon entering the class for the first time. Take note of areas each student excels in and areas in which they struggle. This information will help you to plan each lesson with the students’ English abilities in mind. Process: Ask the students to form into small groups and have each of them introduce themselves. Once students have all had a chance to do so, gather them back together and have a whole class discussion on why everyone wants to learn English. Invite students to share their reasons. Then, hand out the needs assessment sheet and have them write a short autobiography. The students will also write a short summary about why they want to learn English. Name ____________________                           ...

TESL 0130: Unit 4 Reflection

TESL 0130 Unit 4 Reflection: Applying What I’ve Learned                                                                                  (Source: ) Over the past four weeks, I have had the opportunity to learn about various reading strategies that can be taught to ESL students, to help make them better readers.  According to Brown (2015), these strategies include: 1.)     Identifying the Purpose in Reading 2.)     Using Grapheme Rules and Patterns to Aid in Bottom-Up Decoding 3.)     Using Efficient Silent Reading 4.)     Skimming a Text for Main Ideas 5.)     Scanning a Text for Specific Information ...