TESL 0130: Unit 3 Vocabulary Activity

                                                    (Source: https://www.fda.gov/ucm/groups/fdagov-public/documents/image/ucm401764.png) 

This is a vocabulary focus designed for a Task-Based Lesson Plan on reading nutrition labels.  I suggest beginning the lesson with this vocabulary activity as a way to prime the students for the upcoming game they will be playing. 

1.)    Write words that appear on a nutrition label on the white board as headings (i.e. calories, fat, cholesterol, sodium, etc.)

2.)    For each word, ask students if they think having a lot of it is healthy or unhealthy. Use this as an opportunity to help students understand the meaning of each word and to help them distinguish between what to look for as healthy and unhealthy on a nutrition label. 

3.)    Next, get students to write down examples of foods that they think are high in each category (What foods are high in fat? Protein? Vitamin C?) After a few minutes, get the students to share with the class what they came up with. This can be a great way for students to also share about foods from their home country! Write the examples students provided below the headings on the white board. 


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