TESL 0170 Practicum - Assignment 3: Continued Professional Development Report
Kahoot! Learning Game During my teaching practicum, I decided to make use of a learning-game website and app called “Kahoot!”. This website allows you to create custom interactive quizzes that can be played through an internet browser or a smartphone. Points are awarded to students based on which answer they choose and how quickly they do so. How much time is allotted to each question can be customized when creating the quiz (I like to give the students 30 seconds). At the end of a Kahoot! Quiz, you are sent a summary report of the quiz, which gives you information on how each student. The website is free to use, and the best part is that students do not need to create an account in order to play. They simply open up Kahoot! ( https://kahoot.it/ ) and input a code that allows them to join the current session. For three of my five lessons I incorporated Kahoot into my class by using it to review vocabulary from previous lessons. This method of doing vocabulary review was a hug...